The Vanishing Prof Vanderkopf (Postcard #1)
Where was the professor killed?
The Vanishing Prof Vanderkopf (Postcard #1)
Collapsible content
Hint 1
Let’s start with the elementary facts of the case…
Hint 2
Use the periodic table to decipher the scribbled note.
Hint 3
Each of the pairs of numbers that make up the phone number correspond to atomic numbers in the periodic table. Note down the corresponding element abbreviations to reveal the location of the murder.
Hint 4
Atomic number 15, Phosphorus (P)
Atomic number 18, Argon (Ar)
Atomic number 53, Iodine (I)
Atomic number 16, Sulfur (S)
When you've solved this clue, look out for postcard #2.
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