The Vanishing Prof Vanderkopf (Postcard #2)
Who murdered the professor?
The Vanishing Prof Vanderkopf (Postcard #2)
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Hint 1
The professor liked to break compounds down into their fundamentals.
Hint 2
The colours of the five liquids in the lab photo are formed by combining the liquids in the sketch from the Professor’s notebook. Also, notice the symbols under each sketch.
Hint 3
For each of the liquid colours in the five glass containers, find the two primary colours in the sketches that combine to create them, eg. green is created by combining blue and yellow. Be sure to match glassware of the same shape. Once you’ve identified the pairs of colours, combine the shapes under the sketches to form letters.
Hint 4
Round-bottom flasks: Yellow + Blue = Green (D)
Test tubes: Red + Yellow = Orange (A)
Conical flasks: Red + Blue = Purple (N)
Conical flasks: Blue + Yellow = Green (T)
Round-bottom flasks: Yellow + Red = Orange (E)
Dr Dante
When you've solved this clue, look out for postcard #3.
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